Export to text file

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All data edited in the Image Explorer is stored in the Arles database. This data can be exported to a text file by using the Export Database Data wizard.


To export data from the Arles database:


1.In the Arles Image Explorer select Database menu > Administration > Export to Text File.
2.Follow the instructions of the Export wizard.
3.Click Finish.



Wizard options


Step 1: What do you want to export?


Select Images data if you want to export image titles and other image information. Select Folders data if you want to export folder titles.


Database Export options

You can export all data or only the data for a folder.


Step 2: Select fields to export


Select the checkbox for all fields you want to export. If you want to import data into the database later, make sure the Filename field is selected. This field is required for the database import.


Step 3: Specify export file name


Specify the file name of the export file.


Field delimiter

This is the character that will be added between all fields.


Text delimiter

Text fields will be enclosed in this character.


When you are satisfied with the results, click the Finish button to start the export process.